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Plot of 10,000 square meters (1 hectare) with 3 houses on the first line

For sale a large plot with houses on the beach near Pasikuda, Sri Lanka. A great option if you are thinking about your own tourism project in Sri Lanka.

Date of publication: 01.11.2023 15:36

For sale a large plot with houses on the beach near Pasikuda, Sri Lanka. In the photo it is marked with the letter A, plot B was recently sold to a German citizen. A great option if you are thinking about your own tourism project in Sri Lanka. The site is located on coastal land (front line) in close proximity to the city of Pasikuda. Access to an excellent beach with soft sand and shallow sea with moderate waves. There is a river nearby, and the area itself is surrounded by pristine mangroves rich in biodiversity.

On the territory there are three houses that can accommodate 5 people, and another more spacious building that can accommodate up to 12 people. There is a kitchen and a hall that can be used as a restaurant with 6 tables or as a common area.
The houses are more than 85% ready. Since the object is put up for sale, the buyers are provided with the final interior decoration to their taste. The rack was started in 2018.

Water is available throughout the year; there is a large reserve tank on the territory.
Application for electricity made and approved.
There is also the possibility of using solar energy, but it is under consideration.

Basic information is provided below:
- 3 houses with an area of 80 sq. m. each.
- Two-storey building with an area of 350 sq. m. at the stage of completion (the main structure and most of the work are ready).
- Well and water tank 21 inches (7+ meters) high with installed pumping and piping systems.
- Most of the landscaping and finishing of the inner road has been completed. There are more than 40 mango trees and many other vegetation on the territory, which are taken care of daily by our gardener.
- Electricity is at the stage of installation completion.
- There is enough space on site in case you plan to add more villas or a hotel type structure to increase capacity.
- The current owner, Sri Lankan, lives in the UK. Acquired this site in 2016 and has a complete and up-to-date package of documents (this greatly speeds up the verification before the sale)
Price: $270,000 (substantial bargaining for a quick sale)

For purchase questions, please contact telegram t.me/edvolkov or WhatsApp: +380504713695

* - sale of land in Sri Lanka for foreigners means a lease for 99 years.


  • 270000.00 USD

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